Here are some fun video clips and other resources relating to mediation which might be useful - or at least amusing. It's a developing list, so do let me know if you have any other suggestions.
Mediation Clips & Links
Latest CEDR Audit (2023)
CEDR Model Documents
CEDR Podcasts
Demo of a commercial mediation (but missing a lot of the process)
Brene Brown on Empathy
Brene Brown on Blame
BBC radio play on mediation – “Behind closed doors” series
Amy Cuddy on body language (Your body language shapes who you are) TED Talk
Mick Jagger demonstrating mediation skills
Chris Moore on Problem-Solving v. Transformative Mediators
Julia Shaw TED talk on false memories
William Ury TED talk on conflict
Brad Heckman – fun TEDx talk about mindfulness in mediation
(He’s pinched my Columbo analogy!)
Bill Wood KC on Reality Testing – Brilliant! Very funny.
Bill Wood KC on the benefits of opening meetings
The Human Factor (2019) - documentary film about middle east peace negotiations. Very interesting insights from the mediators. The full film is currently available on Netflix.
Here is a trailer.
Kluwer Mediation Blog - excellent articles on mediation from around the world.
Some more BBC Radio plays about mediation.
Resources (including some short videos) about mediation and mental health published by the CMC